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Suatu Kajian Dogmatis-Misiologis Tentang Kematian dan Keselamatan dalam Aluk Nene’ Serta Implikasinya terhadap Misi Gereja Toraja
Death, Aluk Nene’, Rites, Resurrection, Patutungan Bia’, Toraja Church MissionAbstract
This paper explores the concept of death and salvation in Aluk Nene’ and its implications for the mission of the Toraja Church. Before Christianity arrived in Toraja, the notion of the soul’s immortality had taken root, making the concepts of death and salvation challenging to grasp. Aluk Nene’s adherents believe that salvation is obtained through the fulfilment of rites and animal sacrifices in Rambu Solo’. Christianity understands that death is the limit of human existence now. Thus, not the soul is eternal, but the human being that has life after death. Even the assurance of salvation has been obtained through the blood of Jesus Christ, who has justified and redeemed humanity. This salvation is not a human endeavour through rites and sacrifices but because of God’s love for man. However, these differences are not barriers to preaching Christianity to the Torajans. The meeting point of Aluk Nene’ and Christianity can be seen in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ later became To Patutungan Bia’s guide, giving human beings light. He is also the eran di langi’ that connects people to God and is the way to eternal life with Christ in heaven. A good understanding of the concept of death and salvation in Aluk Nene’ will have implications for the church’s mission. The mission is the inward mission (missio interna) which is the strengthening and growth of the congregation’s faith, and the outward mission (missio externa), which is the proclamation of Christianity to unbelieving Torajans.
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