Kontribusi Gereja-gereja di Asia untuk Merespons Kemiskinan dan Penindasan
Studi Sejarah Kekristenan India dan Korea
Kemiskinan, penindasan, gereja, peran gereja, Gereja India, Gereja KoreaAbstract
Oppression and poverty are problems that are not only problems in a particular country but have also become a global problem involving the whole world, including the church. The church's task, which is called to serve others, should move the church to respond to the oppression and poverty that plagues the world. This article contributes to the conversation by drawing on the history of Christianity in India and Korea. In both countries, oppression, racism, and the caste system are so acute that they make the problem of oppression more prevalent. The higher social strata would make the lower social strata feel excluded from society, especially in the economic sphere. Those who control the economy will oppress the weak, resulting in oppression and increased poverty. After doing some desk research from several sources, this paper will present the church’s contribution to India and Korea in overcoming the problems of oppression and poverty in their respective countries. Their roles will show how much influence the church has and how much it is fulfilling its calling in the world.
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