Simbuang Batu
Suatu Kajian Teologi Kontekstual terhadap Makna Simbuang Batu dalam Masyarakat Toraja
Simbuang Batu, Pendirian Batu dalam Alkitab, Teologi KontekstualAbstract
Aluk Nene’s adherents believe that humans came from the sky and will return to the sky. The relationship between life in the sky and on earth is intertwined. This connection can be seen in the funeral ceremony, Rambu Solo'. One of the important rites in Rambu Solo' is the erection of a simbuang batu or menhir placed in the Rante or field where Rambu Solo' takes place. Today, the simbuang batu is generally seen as a monument to the family’s greatness. In addition, Simbuang batu also has a meaning of fellowship that can be seen in the process of pulling and erecting the stone. This article aims to explore the meaning of simbuang batu in order to theologize contextually. My main argument is that simbuang batu is not just a memorial stone but God's love and grace towards His people, especially the family, and the family’s responsibility.
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