Mempersiapkan Pemimpin Muda
Kajian Eksegetis 1 Timotius 4:1-16 tentang Mempersiapkan Generasi Muda dalam Pelayanan
Young generation, prepare, character, 1 Timothy 4:1-16Abstract
This paper examines Paul’s advice to Timothy as a church leader. Before Timothy was sent to lead the Ephesian church, he had been prepared by Paul, and through his counsel, Paul continued to accompany and strengthen Timothy. Departing from the context of the church Timothy served, Paul gave him advice on how to understand the problems that occurred in the church and how to deal with these problems as a leader. Therefore, the author uses the historical criticism method to examine the text of Paul’s advice to Timothy. Through this method, the text is seen in terms of the situation faced by Timothy when he became a leader in the Ephesian church, for example, in terms of social and religious aspects. Being a minister is not easy, especially for a young minister. Various challenges will arise; therefore, the younger generation should be well prepared so that they understand the context of servants and can behave in dealing with the problems that occur. The preparation that the younger Timothy received from an older and more experienced Paul was to make Timothy truly prepared for all situations and conditions that occurred in the congregation. Preparing the younger generation in the ministry, and then in the church, cadres will always be ready.
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