Konsep Iman Kristen dalam Pergumulan Wabah Covid-19 Berdasarkan Mazmur 46:1-11 dan Relevansinya dalam Kehidupan Orang Percaya
Faith, Covid-19, Suffering, JoyAbstract
The problem in a Christian’s life facing the suffering of life is not quite understanding the correct faith based on the truth of the Scriptures; in responding to their suffering, they often take wrong steps toward themselves, others, and their relationship with God. The suffering of life that is the most actual nowadays is Covid-19 becoming an epidemic that ravages the foundations of life, making every believer, including Christians, live in perspective and respond to this tough struggle with an incorrect understanding. The believer’s perspective on the suffering of life conditions of Covid-19 is becoming an epidemic. It must be based on an understanding of true faith in accordance with the Scriptures so that life can still find God’s wisdom, hope, and joy.
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