Terhubung dengan Leluhur melalui Daro-daro
Makna Teologis Daro-daro dalam Rambu Solo’ dalam Masyarakat Bori’
Daro-daro, Hope, Solo' Signs, Rites, SymbolsAbstract
This paper examines the theological meaning of the Daro-daro in the Rambu Solo’ and its implications for the Bori’ community. Daro-daro, also known as paningoan bombo, is believed to be a medium to express love to deceased relatives’ spirits (bombo-bombo). I will look at the relevance of the symbol to Christian beliefs, even though it is a form of love for the deceased family. Therefore, I will argue that Daro-daro is not merely a medium to express a joyful relationship with the spirits of the deceased family. Still, Jesus Christ is the medium of expression of happiness and joy as believers. The hope of God's grace for those who have gone before will continue to cling to and be imbued by Christians who do it, so there is no more anxiety. Apart from that, sorrow will certainly be felt, but the stored memories will continue to lead humans to see examples of the family's attitude to life that has gone before.
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