Cobaan Yusuf di Rumah Potifar:
Pembacaan Lintas Tekstual Kejadian 39: 7-20 dan Surah Yusuf (12): 23-29
Genesis 39:7-20, Joseph (12):23-29, cross textual readingAbstract
Indonesia as a plural country has citizens with various religions. Almost every religion has its own holy book which is lived by each of its adherents. Unfortunately, disputes often occur between adherents of a particular religion and adherents of other religions due to differences in understanding of a particular character or story. In fact, the encounter with other religious texts plays an important role in constructing the image of the others. This experience will really help us to be more open and also understand how other religions read their holy texts which are not necessarily the same as how we approach their holy texts. The method used in this study is cross textual reading or cross textual reading. This method brings together texts A and B and dialogues with one another and enlightens one another. From this study it was found that the texts of sura Yusuf (12):23-29 and Genesis 39:7-20 are two texts that can be dialogued so that these two texts complement each other. After analyzing the similarities and differences of these two texts, a new and broader meaning is found as a Christian in reading the text of Genesis 39:7-20. Cross-textual reading helps to enrich our understanding and fosters our openness to other religious sacred texts.
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