Studi Teologis terhadap Makna Perkataan Yesus tentang Mengampuni dalam Matius 18:21-22
Kesalahan, Matius, Orang Percaya, Pengampunan, Tidak Terbatas.Abstract
The existence of a relationship in life together often leads to quarrels and cruel behavior such as murder or sexual harassment. These relationships usually cause hurt, resentment, and hatred, which leads to an attitude of difficulty forgiving. Many people also limit forgiveness, just like Peter in Matthew 18:21-22 who thought it was enough to forgive seven times. However, Jesus said that forgiveness is not done only seven times, but seventy times seven times. This paper exegesis Jesus’ words and their implications for the lives of believers. The author uses the qualitative method and Library Research data collection techniques using the Historical-Grammatical data analysis technique. The results will explain that forgiveness seventy-seven times must be perfect. Forgiveness must be actively done or constantly given without knowing the conditions, time, and place. Forgiveness must be done without limit. Then, the author affirms that forgiveness is one of the essences of the Kingdom of Heaven, so believers must forgive willingly, infinitely, and perfectly.
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