“Kamu Adalah Sahabat-Sahabatku”
Kepemimpinan Sahabat sebagai Model Kepemimpinan Pendeta di Gereja Toraja Klasis Makale Kota
Church, Leadership Friends, PastorAbstract
In practice, pastors as leaders often fail to build relationships with congregation members and others. One of the problems is the strong master-servant relationships in the office. This research highlights the issue from the perspective of philiarchy leadership. This study aims first to obtain a correct understanding of the leadership of friends based on biblical instructions. Second, understand the concept of friend leadership taught by Jesus that the pastor can actualize as a leader, especially within the scope of the Makale City Clis. The type of research used is qualitative research with library research and field research approach carried out in the Makale City Classics. The results of this study show that as a leadership model, philiarchy leadership is not yet widely known in the scope of the ministry of the Toraja Church, especially in the Makale City Classics. Nevertheless, some of the values of friendly leadership have been found in the churches that are the object of research. This shows that the values of friendship have been inherent in the cultural building of local leadership that is often accused of hierarchy.
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