About the Journal
The Journal of Educational Technology and Innovative Learning is a scholarly journal that publishes and disseminates research findings, in-depth studies, innovative ideas, or works in the field of educational technology. The focus of this journal is on innovative works related to the development of effective educational multimedia and e-learning, contributing positively to schools and educational institutions. It serves as a bridge between purely academic research journals and more practical publications. The journal covers the entire spectrum, including research, application development, experience reports, and product descriptions. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: Online Learning Tools, Blended Learning, MOOCs, SPOCs, Knowledge Management in Learning, MashUp Technology, Platforms and Content Creation, New Learning Models and Applications, Pedagogical and Psychological Issues, Cyber Pedagogy, Internet Applications, Networking Tools, Visualization, Learning Collaboration Tools/ Collaborative Learning Networks, and Online Training. The journal is published twice a year (January, May, and September).
Current Issue

This issue consists of 6 articles from 17 authors affiliated with 7 institutions from Indonesia including:
Musamus University
Parepare Islamic Institute
Universitas Pejuang Republik Indonesia
Patompo University
Nahdlatul Ulama University of Blitar