Gereja Nirabelis
Kritik Stigma Ableisme terhadap Orang dengan Gangguan Jiwa berdasarkan Konsep Imago Dei
ecclesia, imago dei, human, normalism, stigma on ableism, non-ableistAbstract
The stigma of ableism towards people with mental disorders (ODGJ) places people with disabilities as inferior beings due to the influence of normalism. Society negatively assesses ODGJ, leading to marginalization, exclusion, injustice, and oppression. Therefore, this paper aims to critique the ableism stigma of people with mental illness based on the concept of imago dei. The analysis of this study shows that human existence as imago dei bears the image and likeness of God as a human being. The stigma of ableism against ODGJ is a form of discrimination which denies or negates the likeness of God's image and likeness in ODGJ. Based on this, I offer the theology of imago dei in understanding the nature of ODGJ as human beings in the frame of transpositional Christology. This results in a new understanding of non-ableist ecclesia, which is an attitude or expression of the church towards individuals with disabilities and becomes a direction for the realization of the church's mission towards the issue of ableism stigma experienced by ODGJ, with the belief that anywhere looking believers can see signs of God’s presence.
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