Grammatical Errors in the English Translation Made by the Students of English Study Program of UKI


  • Matius Tandi Kombong Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja


Grammar, error, translation, indonesian, english


This research aimed to describe the grammatical errors made by the students in translating Indonesian into English. This technique used in translating test which is focused on
the analysis of the students’ error production in translation. This research formulates four objectives: 1. To find out the types of errors that the students make in translating sentences from Indonesian into English 2. To find out the most frequent errors made by the students of UKI Toraja 3. To find out the source of error that the students make in translating Indonesian text into English text and The method used was descriptive method. The population of this research was the students of UKI Toraja academic year 2014/2015. The fourth semester students consist of 270 as population in this research. There were 30 students as sample in this research was taken from 270 students. It was taken by using cluster sampling. Data and analysis of this research were the students’ translation from Indonesian text into English text. The results of the research showed that the students made grammatical errors classified into 8 types of errors which consist of 280 (39.16%) errors in verb,237(33.15%) errors in noun, 22.(3.07%) errors in conjunction, 15(2.09%)errors in Pronoun 118(16.56%) errors In adjective, 14(1.96%)errors in adverb, 20(2.79%) errors in article and 38(2.93%) errors in preposition. The top three frequently grammatical errors made by the students were verb, noun and adjective. And the sources of errors were influence of overgeneralization, ignorance of rule restriction and false concept hypothesis.





