The Competence of TheFifth Semester Students of English Department FKIP UKI Toraja in Writing Paragraph


  • Dan Mangoki Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja



Competence, writing, paragraph


The Competence of theFifth Semester Students of English Department FKIP UKI
Toraja in Writing Paragraph. The objective of this research was to find out the
competence of the fifth semester students of English department FKIP UKI Toraja
in writing paragraph. The writer used quantitative descriptive method. The
population of this research was the fifth semester students of English department
FKIP UKI Toraja in writing paragraph which consists of 119 students. The writer
used random sampling method, which means that not all of the population were
taken as respondents. The writer choose 20 students as respondents. The data
obtained from the written test were tabulated and analyzed by using the percentage
technique. The mean score of the student’s competence in writing paragraph was
78.6 falls in good category. While the average of content was 16, the average of
organization was 14.9, the average of grammar was 15.15, the average of
vocabulary was 16.5 and the average of mechanic was 17.25. It means that the
average of mechanic is higher than all of the average of student’s competence in
component. Based on the result above, the writer concludes that the competence of
the fifth semester students of English department FKIP UKI Toraja is good.




How to Cite

The Competence of TheFifth Semester Students of English Department FKIP UKI Toraja in Writing Paragraph. (2018). Teaching English As a Foreign Language Overseas Journal, 5(3), 1-10.