REDW (Read, Examine, Decide, Write) strategy, reading, comprehensionAbstract
This research aimed to detect whether REDW strategy has effect to the students’ reading comprehension at the third grade of SMPN 2 Campalagian. The method which used in this research was pre-experiment with one class pre-test and post-test design at the third grade of SMPN 2 Campalagian. The sample were 29 students from the total population 174 students. The result of the research and discussion that obtained by the writer at SMPN 2 Campalagian that there was effect of using REDW strategy on students’ reading comprehension after comparing the result of pre-test and post-test by getting improvement 63%. The writer was able to apply Read, Examine, Decide, write strategy to make the teaching process effective and it also helped students improve their reading comprehension.
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