Microlearning: Revolusi Desain Learning Object di Era Digital
Student Involvement; Learning Objects; Microlearning; Digital EducationAbstract
Advances in digital technology have changed the way modern society learns, creating the need for flexible, concise and relevant learning methods. One approach that has emerged is small unit-based learning or microlearning, which allows the delivery of material in a concise manner and focuses on one topic, making it more accessible to students. This research examines the effectiveness of microlearning in increasing engagement and retention of information in digital educational environments. Using a quantitative survey method, this research involved 30 students who were experienced in digital learning. Data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed with descriptive statistics and simple linear regression to determine the effect of microlearning on engagement and information retention. The results show that microlearning can increase student engagement with an average score of 4.3 and information retention of 4.1 on a 5 point scale. In conclusion, microlearning is proven to be effective in creating interactive learning experiences, overcoming cognitive load, and increasing students' information retention, which makes it a potential learning strategy to be implemented in formal and informal education in the digital era.
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