Pengaruh Teknologi Pendidikan Terhadap Merdeka Belajar Ditengah Pandemi
Pengaruh , Teknologi Pendidikan, Merdeka Belajar Ditengah PandemiAbstract
Pengaruh Teknologi Pendidikan Terhadap Merdeka Belajar Ditengah Pandemi
Dini Andiningsih
,Aqsel Wulandira
,Silva Toding
Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja
Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja
Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja
The Pandemic COVID-19 has changed various aspects of human life today, especially in education.
This requires all elements of education to adapt and continue the rest of the semester. The purpose of
this study as a general review of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research uses
descriptive content analysis study method. The analysis was carried out on international, national
articles and similar sources related to learning solutions during the pandemic. Online learning is an
effective solution for activating classrooms even though schools have closed because time and place
are at risk during this pandemic. However, this learning technique is important to be evaluated
according to local conditions given the distribution of facilities and the ability of parents to provide
different online learning facilities to students in Indonesia. Keyword: Learning, Pandemic, COVID-19.
As currently technology plays a role as a medium in interacting between educators and students in the
implementation of online learning besides that technology also plays a role in facilitating educators to
deliver learning material so that learning continues even though it is not done face-to-face. which is a
challenge for education actors, which is related to academic culture, including values, attitudes,
knowledge, skills, and readiness, facilities and infrastructure related to technology. Organizing literacy
and training related to the use of technology can be one solution in dealing with several challenges It
is important to pay attention to online learning during the current civid 19 pandemic, namely the
communication between parents and educators to create independent learning for students during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The various benefits obtained, of course, have obstacles that are felt by
educators and students in online learning. The obstacles faced are the various regional conditions in
Indonesia, causing not all areas to be reached by internet services and the distribution of internet
networks is slow from time to time. It also allows high internet usage to affect the health of students.
Another obstacle found was the ability of parents to provide online education facilities such as the use
of the internet network in need. These problems must of course be evaluated in order to obtain better